1. Rigid

  1. The XINGYING software supports the creation of Markersets in Live. This requires objects with pre-attached reflective markers to be placed on the site, and each reflective marker point must be visible in the 3D view of the software (9.1.1).

  2. Confirm that the software is running, then click the "Freeze" button at the bottom of the interface to freeze the 3D view.

  3. To select reflective marker points in the 3D view, hold down the Shift key, click and hold the left mouse button, and drag to box-select the points needed to create a rigid body. Alternatively, hold down the Ctrl or Shift key and use the left mouse button to select the reflective marker points for the rigid body one by one. Use the mouse to select multiple reflective marker points attached to the surface of the rigid body in the 3D view. Note that a rigid body must have at least 3 reflective marker points (9.1.2). After selecting unnamed points in the freeze frame, the number of unnamed points will be displayed in the lower left corner of the 3D view in Live. The numbers in parentheses represent the number of boxed points, while the numbers to the left represent the total number of marker points in the 3D view.

Create a single rigid body.

  1. In the 3D view, select the highlighted points that need rigid bodies and freeze frames (the number of marker points required for creating rigid bodies ranges from 3 to 19). Right-click with your mouse and choose "Create Rigid Body." In the rigid body creation window, you can customize the name of the created rigid body. (9.1.3)After customizing the name of the rigid body, choose to create either a "single" or "multiple" rigid body.

  2. Choose "single, " then click on "Create." Multiple points will form a Markerset, and the reflective markers will be named and connected. The software defaults to creating rigid bodies in the positive Y-axis direction.

Creating a multi-frame rigid body

1.In the 3D view, select the points where you want to create the rigid body by drawing a selection box (the number of Marker points for creating the rigid body should be between 3 and 19). Right-click, choose "Create Rigid Body," and in the rigid body creation window, select "Multiple Frame" rigid body.

2.Slowly move the rigid body in the field to collect data. Once the data collection is complete, the improved error and the original error will be displayed. Click the "OK" button to save the improved rigid body asset, or click "Cancel" to apply the initially created single-frame rigid body.

Creating Multiple Rigid Bodies

  1. The function of creating multiple rigid bodies is mainly used for scenes with a large number of rigid bodies, such as drone swarms. It allows for the quick creation of multiple rigid bodies. Before using this function, it is important to evenly distribute the objects in the scene. The distance between the objects should be kept as consistent as possible, and the spacing between the reflective markers on each object should also be consistent. The distance between the objects should be as consistent as possible, and the spacing between the reflective markers on each object should also be uniform.

  2. Selecting reflective markers is not necessary. In the rigid body creation window, choose "multiple, " set the bone direction and field radius, and then click "create." Multiple rigid bodies will be successfully created.

  3. The maximum number of rigid bodies that can be created is 100. When the 101st rigid body is created, the software will display a prompt.

  4. Click the "Freeze" button to unfreeze the 3D view. At this point, the active captured object will be visible, and the MarkerSet will follow the activity of the captured object in real time. In this state, data can also be directly collected.


The software does not allow rigid bodies to have the same name. If there is a duplicate name during rigid body creation, the "create" button will be grayed out and cannot be clicked. Please change the rigid body's name to proceed, or alternatively, delete the duplicate .mars files in the current working directory before creating a new one.

If there are non-sequentially numbered rigid body names in the working directory, the software will prioritize generating rigid body names with lower numbers by default when creating new ones.

Without modifying the names of the rigid bodies, creating a single rigid body will default to incrementing from "Tracker0, Tracker1..." onwards. When creating multiple rigid bodies, the names will default to incrementing from "MTracker0, MTracker1..." onwards.

Add and delete marker

In the frozen state, markers can be added and deleted for the created rigid body. See the operation entry in the image below (9.1.9).

Add Marker: In the frozen state, click the "Add Marker" button to enter the Add Marker mode. In the 3D view, click on an uncommanded point or hold the Shift key and use the mouse to select multiple points. The selected markers will be added to the rigid body in real-time. The maximum number of markers for the rigid body cannot exceed 20. An error will be prompted if you attempt to add the 21st marker. After adding the markers, click the "Add Marker" button again to exit the Add Marker mode. The rigid body will resume normal tracking status once it is unfrozen.

Delete Marker: In the frozen state, click the "Delete Marker" button to enter the Delete Marker mode. In the 3D view, click on a commanded point of the current rigid body, or click on the marker information in the rigid body's marker list. The selected markers will be deleted from the current rigid body in real-time. The minimum number of markers for the rigid body is 3. If you attempt to delete markers leaving only 2, the deletion will fail and a message will inform the user of the failure reason. After deleting the markers, click the "Delete Marker" button again to exit the Delete Marker mode. The rigid body will resume normal tracking status once it is unfrozen.

The orientation of the rigid body is determined by two points.

  • You can customize the orientation of a rigid body during its creation. The specific operation method is as follows: after freezing, press the Ctrl key and select the Marker points in the 3D view with the left mouse button. After successful creation, the orientation of the rigid body will be directed from Marker1 to Marker2. This determines the orientation based on the first and second Marker points selected with the Ctrl key.

Change the 6DoF of the rigid body

  1. After creating a rigid body, its skeleton can be displaced and rotated.

  2. Click the freeze button, select the skeleton name of the rigid body in the asset panel, and then click on the X/Y/Z axis offset below. A cross (9.1.10) will appear in the center of the rigid body skeleton in the 3D view. Dragging an axis of the cross will displace the skeleton, or you can click on the center point of the cross to drag the skeleton along any axis.

  3. In the frozen frame state, the skeleton can also be rotated. Click on the X/Y/Z rotation axis of the skeleton, and the center of the skeleton will display a rotating three-dimensional ring (9.1.11) .

  4. To exit editing the displacement and rotation of the skeleton, press Ctrl to leave the editing state. The cross and ring will disappear. After unfreezing, the displacement and rotation of the skeleton will be reflected in the 3D view.

The rigid body skeleton moves to a specified marker point.

  1. In live or edit mode, the rigid body can be moved to a specified marker point.

    • In Live mode: While in freeze frame, select the rigid body's skeleton, click "X Offset" in the asset panel, and then click on a specific marker point in the 3D view. The skeleton will move to the specified marker point.

    • In Edit Mode: Right-click to enter Model Pose mode, click "X Offset" in the asset panel, and then click on a specific marker point in the 3D view. The skeleton will move to the specified marker point. Exit Model Pose mode, click solve, and after the solve is complete, the skeleton will move to the specified marker point.

Rigid Body and Human Perspective Following

  1. In both real-time and post-processing modes, first-person or third-person perspective following can be applied to rigid bodies or humans (Section 9.1.12).

  2. By right-clicking in the 3D view during real-time or post-processing modes, select "Perspective Follow," then choose either "First Person" or "Third Person." After this, the currently selected rigid body or human asset will follow in the chosen perspective.Once perspective following is enabled, other assets can also be selected from the asset panel to follow in the same perspective.

  3. When perspective following is active, the 3D view becomes non-operational, and the word "FOLLOWING" will flash at the top of the 3D view to indicate that the view is currently in a following state. To cancel perspective following, right-click and deselect the chosen follow perspective.

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