7. IClone Plugin

Configure the Python environment for iClone

  1. Enter the following website address:

    • " https://wiki.reallusion.com/IC_Python_API:Python_Extension_Libraries "Follow the steps on the webpage to configure the Python environment;

    • Install dependency libraries

    • In the command prompt, navigate to the "deps" directory within the "PluginClone" folder and install the required libraries.

    • In the command prompt, enter iClonepy.exe -m pip install seekerpy-1.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (17.7.1).

    • In the command prompt, enter iClonepy.exe -m pip install nokovpy-2.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (17.7.2).

Running the Plugin - Method 1

  1. After installing the dependency libraries, you can run the plugin in two ways. The first method is to locate the iClone software icon on the desktop, open the iClone file location, and copy the "PluginIClone" folder to the "Reasoning iClone 8 Bin64 OpenPlugin" directory (17.7.3).

  2. Next, play human body data in XINGYING Live mode or load a set of human body data in Edit Mode. Simultaneously, open the settings in the XINGYING software, set the network card address to "" in the "Data Broadcast" panel, and enable "Enable SDK".

  3. Start iClone and drag the "Test.iAvatar" model from the "PluginIClone/models" folder to the iClone scene.

  4. Open the plugin window (17.7.4) from the menu bar: "Plugins -> NOKOVPlugin -> NOKOV Body Mocap Window". In the plugin window, set "Type" to "V2", enter "" in "Server", and use ServerIP as the SDK broadcast address set by the capture software.

  5. Click the Connect button, and the log window will display the connection information (17.7.5).

  6. Select Preview or Record as needed and click Start.

  7. At this point, play the capture data and drive the model in iClone in Live mode (17.7.6).


When clicking Connect to obtain connection information and Start to run the iClone plugin, ensure that the human body is visible in the

Run plugin - Method 2

  1. The second method does not require copying the "PluginIClone" folder to the OpenPlugin directory. Start the IClone software, click on the menu bar "Script -> Load Python" (17.7.7), select "main.py" in the "PluginIClone" plugin folder, and click to open it.

  2. Next, refer to steps 2-7 in the previous section "Running Plugins - Method 1" to drive the model in IClone.