1. Menu Bar

File Menu Bar

  • In the "File" menu, you can select the software working directory, load, save, and save calibration files. In Edit Mode, click the "Load Capture File" button to load .cap motion capture data. In Live/Edit Mode, click the "Load Markerset" button to select the model file you want to add. Click the "Import Model Asset" button to characterize the human binding model. Click the "Exit" button to exit the software.

View Menu Bar

  • In the "View" menu bar, after clicking the "Hide All Panes" button, all floating panels on the software will be hidden. Clicking "Reset Panes" will reset the currently displayed floating panels and display the default ones. Clicking the "Devices Pane", "Calibration Pane", "Asset Pane", "Data Casting Pane", and "Settings Pane" buttons will display the corresponding floating panels.

Layout Menu Bar

  • Expand the "Layout" menu bar to set different split-screen layouts for the main panel in the middle of the software.

Force Plate Menu Bar

  • Expand the "Force Plate" menu, click the "Force Plate Configuration" button, and configure the parameters for the connected force plate in the pop-up settings window.

  • Click the "Analog Configuration" button to add the analog channel corresponding to the force plate model in the Analog Configuration window.

Help Menu Bar

  • Click the "Help" button to get the current software version number, our contact information, and the official website. Click on the official website address to quickly jump to the official website in your browser.

  • Clicking the "Operating Manual" will provide you with the manual for the current version.