3. TRC Files

  1. The TRC file is a coordinate data file for points, exporting the data coordinates of both named and unnamed points contained in the cap file into a single file.

  2. In Edit Mode, after loading the capture data, click "File" and select "Export TRC File". The system will prompt that the export of the TRC file was successful; then click "Confirm" (13.3.1). The system saves the TRC file to the working path by default. The naming convention is cap file name + '-' + MarkerSet name + '.xrs'. The coordinate data of unnamed points is also exported by default, using the naming convention: cap file name + '-' + 'unnamed' + '.xrs'.

  3. TRC files can be opened in Excel format, with data formats including "frame, time, timestamp, xyz coordinates" (13.3.2).

Saving of R-Calculated Markers

  • In post-processing mode, enable "Show Inverse Kinematic Markers", then click the solve button on the top toolbar. After the inverse kinematic markers are displayed in the 3D view, go to File -- Export TRC File. Open the TRC file using Excel, and it will show the XYZ data for each frame of the calculated markers for each named point. In the TRC file, the name of the inverse kinematic markers is "RCalc_marker name" (13.3.3).