Glove management

In the XINGYING system, to support the integration of third-party gloves such as "Wu Yuan Fu Jie, Manus," you first need to open the Glove Management window from the Third-Party Devices menu. In this

  1. Glove Management(16.4.1):

    • To configure the gloves, you first need to connect the gloves in the third-party glove software. In the XINGYING Glove Management window, the address for glove management defaults to "" and does not require modification.

    • In the "Type" dropdown list, you can select the glove type based on the connected third-party glove brand, such as "Manus" or "Vrtrix."

    • After selecting the Vrtrix glove type, you can enter the number of gloves in the quantity input box located below.

  2. Connection Queue and Device List(16.4.2):

    • Click the "+" to add a glove connection. The connection queue will display details of the connected gloves such as "Network Address, Port, Type, Status, Version, Quantity Limit." The device queue below will show details for the left and right gloves, including "Serial Number, Brand, Connection Status, Hand Type, Battery Level, Signal Strength."

    • Select a connection in the queue and click the "X" on the right side to delete that connection.

    • If the selected brand of gloves is not powered on or not properly connected, the connection queue and device list will not immediately display the status and parameters of the gloves after adding a glove connection.

    • The device list will display real-time battery levels and signal strength for the left and right gloves. If the gloves disconnect, the connection status will change to offline.

  3. Glove Binding(16.4.3):

    • In the binding module on the right side of the window, select the corresponding serial numbers for the left and right gloves. The serial numbers for the left and right gloves can be viewed in the "Serial Number" column of the device queue. If multiple pairs of gloves are connected, be careful to distinguish the serial numbers when binding the left and right gloves.

  4. Binding Set(16.4.3):

    • In the binding module, enter a custom name, then click the "+" on the right side to add a binding set for the gloves. Each binding set will display the "ID, Name, Left Hand Serial Number, and Right Hand Serial Number" of the current set of gloves. When adding multiple sets of gloves, the IDs are arranged in sequence.

    • Select a binding set and click the "X" on the right side to delete that binding set.

    • When adding binding sets for multiple pairs of gloves, be careful to distinguish the names and ensure that the serial numbers for the left and right gloves are correctly bound.

  5. Creating Baseline+Toe+Hand, Headband(53)(16.4.4):

    • After configuring the gloves in the Glove Management interface, create a human model with gloves in the real-time mode. In the human creation window, select the "Baseline+Toe+Hand, Headband(53)" human type. Below the human type dropdown list, select the glove binding set from another dropdown list, formatted as "Binding Set ID (Name)".

    • When creating a human model with gloves, make sure to select the correct binding set from the ID list. This helps avoid the confusion of finger bones after successfully creating the human model, especially when multiple human models are involved and the wrong binding set is selected.

  6. After configuring the gloves, you can click "File -- Export Glove Configuration File" in the top left corner of the Glove Management interface to export the glove configuration. The file will have a ".json" extension. To import a glove configuration file, click on Import Glove Configuration File, select the glove configuration file with the ".json" extension, and the Glove Management interface will display the recorded configuration on the screen, eliminating the need for manual configuration.

Last updated